The concept 

Standard textbooks cannot integrate text, illustration and video clips with the real-life setting during surgical operations. Prof. Markus Maria Heiss, MD, FACS and Carolina Pape-Köhler, MD, PhD from Cologne, Germany, founding members of the webop team, had the vision to improve that situation by providing practical knowledge in a new didactic structure about surgical operations as an online e-learning platform.

The “webop concept”, a novel, intuitive and constantly updated online e-learning platform for surgical operations, was created at the Department of Surgery at Witten/Herdecke University, Germany.

Audience was invented and developed by surgeons for surgeons. It is ideal for healthcare professionals, medical students, young residents, attending physicians, consultants and mainly for those preparing for board certification. In each case to update, broarden or deepen their surgical knowledge.

Scientific evidence of webop

Our founders PD Dr. Pape-Köhler and Prof. Dr. Markus Heiss have examined the scientific evidence for webop in numerous scientific studies.  Below you will find a compilation of the most important publications: List


At the heart of this online reference are video clips demonstrating the decisive steps of surgical procedures in all specialities. These clips visualize the critical steps of the procedure, and together with the text and illustrations constitute a didactic unit. Presenting complex operations in a multimedia setting optimizes successful learning. Also covered is all essential information about the surgical procedure.


Unlike in standard textbooks, the steady stream of new contributions by the editors and user interactions will always keep this website up-to-date.

Well respected

A growing team of well-respected surgeons contribute in their field of specialty on webop. Consequently the high level of scientific expertise is ensured.


The leading multimedia surgical video reference is visited by 200,000 users each year. Thus, it is also the perfect professional platform to present products and services and promote their profile. is used in 240 clinics in Germany, Switzerland and Austria as an e-learning platform. A total of nearly 10,000 surgeons actively learn with webop.