Complications - Partial gastrectomy with Roux-en-Y gastrojejunostomy

  1. Prevention and management of intraoperative complications

    Intraoperative complications are rare with standardized surgical techniques.

    Vascular injuries
    Treatment: Suture

    Bile duct injury
    Management: Suture, T-drain if necessary

    Pancreatic injury
    Treatment: Suture and extensive drainage

    Splenic injury
    Management: Hemostasis with argon beamer, tissue sealing, e.g., with TachoSil® sealant matrix
    As last resort: Splenectomy

    Caution: If splenectomy must be performed in partial gastric resection, the blood supply of the gastric remnant is endangered because the short gastric arteries will have been transected. Gastrectomy then becomes mandatory!

Prevention and management of intraoperative complications

Early failure of the gastroenterostomyMost often on postoperative day 3–4Confirmed by endoscopy; ra

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