Evidence - Femoral hernia repair – TIPP technique

  1. Literature summary

    The specific literature on femoral hernias is sparse. Usually, femoral hernias are simply discussed with inguinal hernias. For general references see the publications on the surgical management of inguinal hernia (Shouldice, Lichtenstein).

    The following recent publication once again notes the emergent indication for surgery in femoral hernia because its risk of incarceration is higher than in inguinal hernia:

    Dahlstrand, U., Wollert, S., Nordin, P., Sandblom, G., Gunnarsson, U. (2009): Emergency femoral hernia repair: a study based on a national register. Annals of surgery 249, 672-676

    The following publication demonstrated a benefit for mesh implants, in particular also in femoral hernia:

    Chen, J., Lv, Y.; Shen, Y., Liu, S., Wang, M. (2010) A prospective comparison of preperitoneal tension-free open herniorrhaphy with mesh plug herniorrhaphy for the treatment of femoral hernias. Surgery, 148, 976-981

  2. Ongoing trials on this topic

    There are no ongoing trials specifically addressing the management of femoral hernia. For trials on mesh implants see Lichtenstein Repair of Inguinal Hernia.

Other literature on this topic

On the history of femoral hernia management:Bassini, E. (1894) Neue Operationsmethode zur Radikalbe

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