- Splenic injury:
Compression and coagulation, application of hemostyptic patch; if unsuccessful - splenectomy. - Ureteral injury:
Consult a urologist, if available. Otherwise perform direct suture of the ureter over an intraluminal ureteral double-J stent. If the lesion is closer to the bladder, perform ureteral reimplantation with the bladder. This typically is performed inferior to the intersection with the common iliac artery. - Pancreatic injury:
Hemostasis, suture of the pancreatic capsule; in case of complete division of the pancreas perform left pancreatic resection and carefully drain the field.
Intraoperative complications
Postoperative complications
Anastomotic failure:Usually anastomotic failure will require revision surgery. Management may requi
Anastomotic failure:Usually anastomotic failure will require revision surgery. Management may requi
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