Perioperative management - Laparoscopic colectomy with ileorectostomy

  1. Indications

    • Prophylactic surgery for familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) of the colon with manageable involvement of the rectum; this situation is seen particularly in attenuated FAP.
    • Multiple carcinomas in the right and left hemicolon; in this case with radical resection of the vessels close to their origin and lymphadenectomy.
  2. Contraindications

    General contraindications

    • Familial adenomatous polyposis of the colon involving the rectum (restorative proctocolectomy with ileoanal pouch anastomosis)
    • Cancer secondary to ulcerative colitis (restorative proctocolectomy with ileoanal pouch anastomosis)
    • Limited operability because of severe underlying comorbidity (e.g., severe lung disease, heart failure, liver cirrhosis, unmanageable coagulopathy, etc.) Whether this comorbidity is a contraindication to surgery must be assessed individually for each patient.

    Relative contraindications to laparoscopic surgery

    • Extensive intraabdominal adhesions
    • Generalized peritonitis
    • T4 tumor invading surrounding structures or large colon tumor (> 8 cm) of uncertain behavior and not amenable to laparoscopic resection for technical reasons
    • Colonic obstruction with massive distension
    • Toxic megacolon
  3. Preoperative diagnostic work-up

    • Complete colonoscopy, if necessary, with tattooing for easy intraoperative localizing of polyps and adenomas
    • Lab panel: blood count, CRP, coagulation, creatinine, electrolytes, blood group, antibody screening, CEA
    • Abdominal ultrasonography, chest X-ray (two views); if necessary, MRI of the liver, contrast enhanced ultrasonography of the liver, and/or CT chest/abdomen
  4. Special preparation

    • Orthograde colonic lavage
    • Shaving of the abdominal wall
    • Marking the best location for a possible stoma on the abdominal wall

    In the operating room:

    • Placement of indwelling catheter
    • Single dose antibiotic ( e.g., cefotaxime + metronidazole)
    • Trial positioning after mounting the patient supports on the OR table
  5. Informed consent

    General risks

    • Bleeding
    • Secondary bleeding
    • Necessity of blood transfusions with corresponding transfusion risks
    • Thromboembolism
    • Wound infection
    • Abscess
    • Injury to adjacent organs/structures (left ureter, iliac vessels, female internal genitalia, bladder, spleen, kidney, pancreas)

    Special risks

    • Staple line failure with local or generalized peritonitis and subsequent sepsis, reoperation, Hartmann procedure or diverting ileostomy
    • Impotentia coeundi in men, fecal incontinence  and impaired bladder voiding due to injury to the inferior hypogastric nerves
    • Intraabdominal abscess formation
    • Primary diverting ileostomy or primary Hartmann procedure
    • Conversion to open surgery
    • Changes in stool habits
    • Trocar site incisional hernia
    • Risk of stapler injury to the sphincter

General anesthesia in pneumoperitoneumIntraoperative and postoperative analgesia with epidural anes

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