Evidence - Delorme’s procedure in rectal prolapse

  1. Literature summary

    The above technique and its various modifications have resulted in largely very good results with success rates of over 80% in most cases.

  2. References on this topic

    • Ganio E, Martina S, Novelli E, Sandru R, Clerico G, Realis Luc A, Trompetto M: Internal Delorme’s procedure for rectal outlet obstruction. Colorectal Disease 2013; 15: e144-e150.
    • Hicks CW, Weinstein M, Wakamatsu M, Pulliam S, Savitt L, Bordeianou L: Are rectoceles the cause or the result of obstructed defaecation syndrome? A prospective anorectal physiology study. Colorectal Disease 2013; 15: 993-999.
    • Hammond K, Ellis C. Outcomes After Transanal Repair of Rectoceles. Dis Colon Rectum 2010; 53: 83-87.
    • Abbas SM, Bissett IP, Neill ME, Macmillan AK, Milne D, Parry BR: Long-Term Results of the Anterior Delorme’s Operation in the Management of Symptomatic Rectocele. Dis Colon Rectum 2005; 48: 317–322
    • Sarles JC, Arnaud A. Endorectal repair of rectocele. Int J Colorectal Dis 1989;4:167–71.
    • Sullivan ES, Leaverton GH. Transrectal perineal repair: an adjunct to improved function after anorectal surgery. Dis Colon Rectum 1968:11:106–14.
    • Zacharin FR. Pelvic floor anatomy and the surgery of pulsion enterocele. Berlin: Springer, 1985.

Current trials

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