Complications - Endoaneurysmorrhaphy with intraluminal straight graft placement in infrarenal abominal aortic aneurysm - Vascular Surgery

  1. Intraoperative complications


    • injured iliac veins -> compression of run-in and run-off, suture
    • Arterial bleeding -> suture
    • Injury of the patent inferior mesenteric artery and poor collateralization (see preoperative angiogram, e.g., stenosis of the superior mesenteric artery, inadequate marginal arteries such as Riolan or Drummond, occlusion or stenosis of the internal iliac artery). -> revascularization because of impending ischemic colitis

    Iatrogenic bowel lesion

    • Suture
Postoperative complications

Secondary bleeding, hematomaCauses: technical errors such as suture line failure; slipped off ligat

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