Complications - Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) and stenting in bilateral renal artery stenosis - Vascular surgery

  1. Intraoperative complications

    Transfemoral probing of renal artery not possible

    • Reason: angle of renal artery origin too steep, marked stenotic resistance
    • Suggested solution: Change to transcubital access

    “Minor” renal artery rupture

    • Occlude renal artery with a dilation balloon for about 10 minutes, then check angiographically
    • In case of persistent contrast agent leakage, implant a covered stent or perform end-to-end bypass (ligate the native artery at its origin from the aorta), if needed.

    Renal parenchymal perforation

    • Occlude segmental artery with a dilation balloon ( 3-4 mm) for 10 to 15 minutes, then check angiographically.
    • In case of persistent contrast agent leakage from the parenchyma, expose the kidney by transabdominal dissection and perform hemostasis (consult with a urologist!).
    • If logistics permit, attempt embolization

    Renal artery occlusion

    • Open repair, e.g. bypass


    • Dissection/plaque rupture due to puncture of highly calcified vessels
    • Prevention: Detailed preoperative duplex study of access vessels
Postoperative complications

Secondary bleeding from transfemoral accessAnticoagulants and platelet aggregation inhibitors in mu

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